Cold Sore Remedy - What Causes Cold Sores?

Cold sores and fever blisters are mainly caused by the herpes simplex virus. Cold sores appear on the lips, mouth and other nearby areas and are sometimes a symptom or oral herpes (herpes labialis).

Cold sores are easily spread from one person to another which makes having an effective cold sore remedy very important.

Cold sore remedies come in various forms including creams, over the counter medications, lip balms and pills. There are also many natural cold sore remedies that can be extremely effective in ridding your body of cold sore for good.

One of the most effective cold sore remedies is actually prevention, meaning that you create an environment in your body that is not conducive to cold sore so they never appear in the first place. Read the article Cold Sore Remedy: Prevention.

Also, visit this cold sore remedy website on how natural cold sore remedies can eliminate your cold sores forever in 3 days.

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